What does the future look like?

Simaria Dev
2 min readSep 12, 2022

Hello, science lovers! Now, we’re all familiar with tenses, right? Tenses are just what we call in writing the past, present, and future. We all know that past is what happened, and the present is what’s happening. But what about the future? Well, the future is what’s going to happen. But have you actually given the future some thought? Did you ever think to yourself what’s going to happen in maybe a thousand years? How many pros and cons will there be? Well, I’m here to talk about just that!

I’ll begin with the pros of the future. It’s pretty obvious that in maybe twenty years or so the technology will be pretty high-tech. There could be robots that could help us with everyday life. Artificial intelligence would become a digital collaborator with the human race. Computer processing would improve, and there would be extensions like voice recognition, image recognition, and much more.

OK, so there are tons of advantages of the future, but what about the facts we don’t want to happen? Unfortunately, there are those too. We’ve been having things like global warming and pollution, which could affect polar habitats greatly. If things like global warming don’t stop, then the ice caps would slowly start melting. It is predicted that somewhere in the 3000s, all the polar ice caps would melt completely! Because of that, sea levels would rise up seventy meters and that would cause lots of floods.

So, that’s what would happen on Earth in about a thousand years. But what if we want to go even above that? What would happen in a million, or even billion years? Well, one thing’s for sure around that time: all the continents would connect and become a supercontinent, just like how it was millions of years ago. A supercontinent is an assembly of all or most of Earth’s continents.

At this point, (5 billion years from now) the sun is starting to reach its limit. Do you know when in maybe a few million years a star would die out? Well, unfortunately, that’s what’s going to happen to our sun. And when it does, well, things won’t be great. The sun is going to start burning up all the hydrogen it used to use as nuclear fuel, and then it’ll turn into a white dwarf. You’re probably wondering why the sun turned into a white dwarf and not a black hole. The answer is pretty simple. See, the sun is a dwarf star. Dwarf stars aren’t big enough to turn into black holes. Giant, supergiant and hypergiant stars would turn into black holes from a supernova, which is the explosion of a star.

Well, that’s pretty much it! I know I didn’t cover a whole lot of stuff, but at least I got the next five billion years. Of course, most of the things I explained were only accurate predictions by scientists, and you can also make your own theories! You can also make a theory of what might happen even beyond five billion years!

